Male Infertility

Male Infertility – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment in the best Clinics

Infertility affects approximately 15% of couples worldwide, representing 48.5 million couples. It has been established that dysfunction of the male reproductive sphere is the cause of childlessness in 20-30% of cases. Infertility is associated with negative psychosocial outcomes for men. And over the years, this problem has become more and more common. Assisted reproductive technologies…

Infertility in Nigeria

Infertility in Nigeria: Raising Visibility to Promote Equitable Access to Care

In low-resource settings such as Nigeria, accessing basic assisted reproductive technology treatments can be challenging or impossible for many couples who want to conceive. Many fear the negative consequences of childlessness resulting from societal pressure. Couples who cannot conceive often experience emotional and psychological trauma. Sadly, societal norms dictate that the woman is the cause of the infertility,…