Sophie Beresiner’s Surrogacy Journey

Writer Sophie Beresiner documents her surrogacy journey in her new book The Mother Project, which British Vogue’s beauty director Jessica Diner read “cover to cover in two sittings, heart in mouth, following every twist and turn with anticipation”. “The journey to motherhood can be more complex for some than others,” says Jessica. “And The Mother Project shines a beacon of…

Stress Management

Fertility and Stress Management

More women are delaying pregnancy to pursue education, develop their careers, choose a partner, or decide to become a single parent by choice. Likely both because of delaying fertility and because pregnancy by that time is so strongly desired, the process of trying to conceive can be both exciting and stressful for many individuals and…

IVF babies

Concerns over IVF babies and sale of gametes have been dismissed by Practitioners

Top practitioners of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)/Assisted Reproductive Technique (ART) in Nigeria have dismissed studies that babies born through IVF are more susceptible to cancer, infertility and other degenerative diseases. They also dismissed a report published, last week, that suggests, to survive the harsh economy, Nigerian youths have resorted to selling their male and female…

family holidays

Tips for Infertility during the holidays

If you are struggling with infertility, it goes without saying that big family holidays can be difficult, and even painful, to navigate. The Christmas season in particular can be exceptionally painful, considering all the happy family Christmas cards, children’s festivities, and uncomfortable social gatherings you are likely to experience during the month of December. If…