• Profile picture of Olamiji

    Olamiji posted in the group Trying to conceive

    3 months ago

    Good day everyone,

    🔆To the relief of many, studies show avocados, one of southern California’s favorite fruits (yes avocados are fruits), are showing positive results when trying to conceive.

    So sigh in relief, and have a millennial favorite, avocado toast with a side of baked avocado fries! Just remember to eat in moderation as too much of a good thing can end up with unwanted results.
    ➡️3 Ways Avocados May Boost Fertility:

    ✨High in Nutrients:
    Avocados are nutrient dense with folate (folic acid) which is key for preconception health.
    ✨Healthy Fat:
    Avocados contain a lot of fat — but it is the good kind!

    The unsaturated fats in avocados can help manage sugars and decrease inflammation and risks of heart disease.
    ✨Rich in phytonutrients:
    Avocados are also rich in phytonutrients that may help protect cells from damage.

    Avocados can be combined with other fertility boosting foods like yogurt and lime juice to make some delicious dips, dressings, salads, sauces and even ice cream.

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