• Profile picture of Olamiji

    Olamiji posted in the group Pregnancy Loss Support

    3 months ago

    Good day everyone 🙂, was reading online and I saw these few tips After a pregnancy loss, it’s crucial to prioritize physical and emotional healing. Here are things to avoid to support recovery:

    ✨Physical Activities:
    Avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting: Your body needs time to heal, especially after a miscarriage or stillbirth. Rest and light activities like walking are better options.

    ✨Ignoring Medical Follow-Up
    Don’t skip post-loss medical checkups: Ensure your body is healing properly and discuss any lingering symptoms with your doctor.

    ✨Trying to Conceive Too Soon
    Avoid rushing into another pregnancy: Allow your body and mind the time to recover.

    Doctors often recommend waiting one or more menstrual cycles before trying again.

    ✨Exposure to Stressful Situations
    Avoid overwhelming yourself emotionally: Grieve at your own pace and set boundaries to avoid unnecessary stress or insensitive comments.

    ✨Blaming Yourself
    Avoid guilt or self-blame: Pregnancy loss is rarely anyone’s fault.

    Talk to a counselor or support group to process feelings and ease the emotional burden.

    ✨Harmful Substances
    Avoid alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs: These can interfere with physical recovery and mental well-being.

    ✨Poor Diet Choices
    Avoid skipping meals or eating poorly: Your body needs proper nutrients like iron, folate, and protein to regain strength.

    Avoid comparing your journey to others’: Every fertility journey is unique. Focus on your own healing and next steps.

    ✨Suppressing Emotions
    Avoid bottling up your feelings: Seek support from loved ones, a therapist, or a support group to help process your grief.

    ✨Returning to Work Too Soon
    Avoid rushing back to normal life: Take time to grieve and heal before resuming work or other commitments. Discuss leave options if needed.

    Avoid tampons or douching: Stick to pads for any post-loss bleeding and avoid inserting anything into the vagina to reduce infection risk.

    🌻Healing after pregnancy loss is a deeply personal process. Give yourself grace, seek support, and allow time for both physical and emotional recovery.

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